Transparency is a key component to maintaining a strong democracy. As a citizen of Mazomanie Township, you have a right to know how your “government is spending tax dollars and exercising the powers granted by the people” (Wisconsin Department of Administration website). The goal of Wisconsin Public Records Law is to provide the public with reasonable access to public records at reasonable costs.
The public may make requests for information and access to records in the custody of the Town of Mazomanie clerk or other appropriate legal custodian. In the Town of Mazomanie, the town clerk does not maintain regular office hours at Town Hall.
The town clerk will permit access to Town records in the custody of the clerk upon at least 72 hours’ written notice of the intent to inspect or copy a record. The location of the records is Mazomanie Town Hall, 711 W Hudson, Mazomanie, WI 53560.
Below are the fees for satisfying record requests under s. 19.35, Wis. stats.:
- Fees: B&W copies …………..…… $0.25
- Color copies……………………….…$0.60
- Larger than 8.5×11 B&W …….. $1.00
- Larger than 8.5×11 color …….. $2.00
- Research Fee – $25 per hour plus applicable copy fee(s)
- Postage ……………………………….$0.74 (per stamp)
To submit a written request, please fill out the OPEN RECORDS REQUEST and email the completed form to [email protected] or mail the form to Town Clerk, Mazomanie Town Hall, 711 W Hudson, Mazomanie WI 53560.