Building Inspector: Tracy Johnson, [email protected]
Dane County Zoning: (608) 266-4251, [email protected]
Where do I obtain a building permit?
UDC Permit Application 2020 doc
All building (additions, outbuildings and new construction, rezoning, driveways, etc.) in the Town must be approved by the Land Plan Commission, the Town Board, and Dane County Zoning. Contact the Town Clerk for information regarding how to proceed with your project. Approval times vary so start early so you have time to complete the process before you begin.
All site plans, building proposals, re-zones, land divisions, etc need Land Plan Commission and Board Approval. The Plan Commission meets the 1st MONDAY of every month at 6:30 PM in the Town Hall, 711 West Hudson Street. Agenda items are due 2 weeks before the meeting.
Please complete the Scheduled Meetings form and e-mail to: [email protected]. The clerk will review and return to you with the scheduled meeting dates for your appearance.
After site plans have been approved by the Town and Dane County, you can apply and pay for your permits online through the Building Inspector’s website: